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last update: 9 April 2006
contact me at: |
The following list is a reworked version of Fukuyama's info pages at http://www.sais-jhu.edu/faculty/fukuyama/Publications,
at SAIS, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns
Hopkins University, Washington D.C. There, you will also find his biography.
Another overview of publications is here: http://wd.hudson.org/learn/index.cfm?fuseaction=staff_bio&eid=FukuyamaF
Francis Fukuyama was born 27 October 1952 in Chicago, Illinois.
The purpose of this page is to provide an overview of links to books,
articles, op-eds etc. to publications
by Francis Fukuyama. It is interesting to see developping Fukuyama's ideas
in the chronology of his publications.
I also selected some recent critics
and commentaries, but that is of course only a very small amount from what
is around on the internet.
America at the Crossroads: Democracy, Power, and the Neoconservative Legacy | Fukuyama | New Haven: Yale University Press |
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Nation-Building: Beyond Afghanistan and Iraq | Fukuyama ed. | Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press | ![]() |
State-Building: Governance and World Order in the 21st Century | Fukuyama | Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press |
![]() |
Our Posthuman Future: Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution |
Fukuyama | New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux | 2002 | ![]() |
Information and Biological Revolutions: Global Governance Challenges - Summary of a Study Group | Fukuyama ed., Caroline S. Wagner | Rand MR-1139-DARPA | 1999 | |
The Great Disruption: Human Nature and the Reconstitution of Social Order | Fukuyama | New York: Free Press | 1999 | ![]() |
The End of Order | Fukuyama | London: The
Social Market Foundation ISBN 1874097860 |
1997 | |
The Virtual Corporation and Army Organization | Fukuyama, Abram Shulsky | Santa Monica: RAND Corporation MR-863-A | 1997 | |
Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity | Fukuyama | New York: Free Press | 1995 | ![]() |
The US-Japan Security Relationship After the Cold War | Fukuyama, Kongdan Oh | Santa Monica: RAND Corporation MR-283-USDP | 1993 | |
End of History and the Last Man a new edition, with a new afterword, will be available in 2006 |
Fukuyama | New York: Free Press | 1992 | ![]() |
Gorbachev and the New Soviet Agenda in the Third World | Fukuyama | Santa Monica: RAND Corporation R-3634-A |
1989-02 | |
Soviet Civil-Military Relations and the Power Projection Mission | Fukuyama | Santa Monica: RAND Corporation R-3504-AF | 1987-04 | |
Moscow's Post-Brezhnev Reassessment of the Third World | Fukuyama | RAND Corporation R-3337-USDP | 1986-02 |
Title | Type | Publication | Publisher | Date |
After Neoconservatism | pay | New York Times Magazine, | 2006-02 | |
The Sources of American Conduct | free | The American Interest, vol. 1, no. 1, fall 2005. | 2005-09 | |
Human Biomedicine and the Problem of Governance | Perspectives in Biology and Medicine vol. 48 no. 2, Spring 2005, pp. 195-200 | 2005-03 | ||
Facing the Perils of Presidentialism? with Björn Dressel and Boo-Seung Chang |
Journal of Democracy vol. 16, no. 2, April 2005, pp.102-116 | 2005-04 | ||
Economic, Political, and Cultural Consequences of Changes in Generational Relations | Intergenerational Solidarity, Welfare and Human Ecology, Mary Ann Glendon, ed., | Vatican City: Proceedings of the X Pontifical Academy of the Social Science | 2004-04-29 | |
'Stateness' First | Journal of Democracy vol. 16, no. 1, 2005, pp. 84-89 | 2005-01 | ||
Re-Envisioning Asia | reg | Foreign Affairs
vol. 84, no. 1, Jan-Feb. 2005 (available for New York Times registrars) |
2005-01 | |
How Academia Failed the Nation: The Decline of Regional Studies | free | SAISphere Winter 2004 | 2004-12 | |
Why There is No Science of Public Administration | Journal of International Affairs vol. 58, no. 1, Fall 2004, pp. 189-202 | 2004-09 | ||
Does 'the West' Still Exist? | Beyond Paradise and Power: Europe, America, and the
Future of a Troubled Partnership, Tod Lindberg, ed. |
New York: Routledge ISBN: 0415950511 |
2004-11 | |
Transhumanism | reg | Foreign Policy September-October 2004 | 2004-09 | |
The Neoconservative Moment | pay | The National Interest no. 76, Summer 2004 | 2004-06 | |
The Imperative of State-Building | Journal of Democracy 15 no. 2, April 2004. | 2004-04 | ||
Nation-Building 101 | pay | The Atlantic Monthly 293, Jan.-Feb. 2004 | 2004-01 | |
Still Disenchanted? The Modernity of Postindustrial Capitalism | free | CSES Working paper (also in The Economic Sociology of Capitalism, in Victor Nee and Richard Swedberg, eds., 2005) |
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press | 2003-02 |
Ground and Nature of Human Rights: another Round with William Schulz and Robin Fox |
pay | The National Interest no. 68, Summer | 2003-01 | |
History Started Again? |
free | Policy, Winter 2002 | 2002-12 | |
History Restarted Since September 11? (The Nineteenth Annual John Bonython Lecture) |
free | Centre for Independent Studies, Occasional Paper no. 81, August 2002. | 2002-08 | |
Modernizing Islam with Nadav Samin |
pay | Commentary Magazine, December 2002 | 2002-12 | |
Can Any Good Come of Radical Islam? with Nadav Samin |
pay | Commentary Magazine, Sept. 2002 | 2002-09 | |
Holes in Our Gene Policy | Bloomberg Personal Finance, Sept. 2002 (magazine was shot down end 2002) |
2002-09 | ||
In Defense of Nature, Human and Non-Human | reg | World Watch, July/ August 2002, pp. 30-32 | 2002-07 | |
Life, but Not as We Know It | pay | New Scientist | 2002-04-20 | |
Gene Regime | pay | Foreign Policy, March/April 2002 | 2002-03 | |
Social Capital and Development: The Coming Agenda | free | SAIS Review vol. XXII no. 1, Winter-Spring 2002 | 2002-01 | |
to Regulate Science (excerpt from Our Posthuman Society) |
free | The Public Interest, no. 146, Winter | 2002 | |
Differing Disciplinary Perspectives on the Origins of Trust | Boston University Law Review 81, No. 3 | 2001-06 | ||
The Limits of Liberal Democracy | The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World, Joel Krieger, ed. | Oxford University Press | 2001 | |
Natural Rights and Human History | pay | The National Interest no. 64, Summer | 2001 | |
Social Capital, Civil Society, and Development | Third World Quarterly 22, no. 1 | 2001 | ||
Comparing East Asia and Latin America: Dimensions of
Development with Sanjay Marwah |
Journal of Democracy vol. 11 no. 4, October 2000 | 2000-10 | ||
Don’t Do It, Britannia essay and review of Tom Nairn "After Britain" |
Prospect | 2000-05 | ||
Social Capital and Civil Society | IMF Working Paper WP/00/74 | 2000-04 | ||
Comment on “American Power - For What?” | Commentary Magazine | 2000-01 | ||
The March of Equality | Journal of Democracy vol. 11 no. 1, Jan. 2000 | 2000-01 | ||
Social Capital | Culture Matters, in Lawrence Harrison and Samuel P. Huntington, eds. | Basic Books | 2000 | |
Der unprogrammierte Unmensch | Die Gegenwart der Zukunft | Berlin: Verlag Klaus Wagenbach | ||
Asian Values, Korean Values, and Democratic Consolidation | Institutional Reform and Democratic Consolidation in Korea, L. Diamond and D. C. Shin, eds., Chapt. 12, pp.305-334 | Stanford: Hoover Institution Press ISBN: 0817996923 |
1999-12 | |
Asian Values in the Wake of the Asian Crisis | free | The Review of Korean Studies 2 | Conference on Democracy, Market Economy and Development in Seoul, Korea, February 1999 | 1999-09 |
How to Remoralize America | The Wilson Quarterly | 1999-07 | ||
The Great Disruption: Human Nature and the Reconstitution of Social Order | The Atlantic Monthly | 1999-05 | ||
Asian Values and the Current Crisis (excerpt) |
Development Outreach 1, no. 1, Summer | 1999 | ||
Second Thoughts: The Last Man in a Bottle | The National Interest, Summer 1999 | 1999 | ||
Women and the Evolution of World Politics | Foreign Affairs 77 no. 5 | 1998-09/10 | ||
Asian Values and the Asian Crisis | Commentary Magazine | 1998-02 | ||
Response to Stewart Mallaby | The National Interest, Spring 1998 | 1998 | ||
Is It All In the Genes? | Commentary Magazine | 1997-09 | ||
Comment on 'Is There a Worldwide Conservative Crackup?' | The Weekly Standard, Aug.25-Sept. 1, 1997 | 1997-08-25 | ||
The Illusion of Exceptionalism | Journal of Democracy vol. 8 no. 3, July 1997 | 1997-07 | ||
Comment on 'The Future of Conservatism' | Commentary Magazine | 1997-02 | ||
E-Commerce and the Problem of Trust | Merrill Lynch Forum | 1997? | ||
Falling Tide: Global Trends and US Civil Society | Harvard International Review 20, no. 1, Winter | 1997/98 | ||
The East Asian Prospect: The Illusion of Exceptionalism | Journal
of Democracy vol. 6 no. 2, April 1995 |
1995-04 | ||
Trust Still Counts in a Virtual World | Forbes ASAP, 1996-12-02 | 1996-12-02 | ||
Comment on The National Prospect | Commentary Magazine | 1995-11 | ||
Social Capital and the Global Economy | Foreign Affairs 74 no. 5 | 1995-09/10 | ||
Confucianism and Democracy | Journal of Democracy, Vol. 6, no. 2 | 1995-04 | ||
The Primacy of Culture | Journal of Democracy, Vol. 6, no. 1 | 1995-01 | ||
On the Possibility of Writing a Universal History | History and the Idea of Progress, Arthur M. Melzer, Jerry Weinberger, and M. Richard Zinman, eds. | Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press | 1995 | |
Virtue and Prosperity | The National Interest, No. 40, Summer | 1995 | ||
Immigration | The New Promise of American Life, Lamar Alexander and Chester E. Finn, Jr., eds. | Indianapolis, IN: Hudson Institute | 1995 | |
Die Zukunft des Krieges (The Future of War) | Frankfurter Allgemeine Magazin, no. 772 |
1994-12-16 | ||
Against the New Pessimism | Commentary Magazine, Vol. 96. no. 2 | 1994-02 | ||
Reflections on 'The End of History' Five Years Later | After History: Francis Fukuyama and His Critics, Timothy Burns, ed. | Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield | 1994 | |
Neyasnost' Natsional'nogo Interessa (The Ambiguity of
National Interest) |
Rethinking Russia's National Interests, S. Sestanovich, ed. | Washington: CSIS | 1994 | |
Great Planes | The New Republic | |||
Immigrants and Family Values | Commentary Magazine, Vol. 95, no. 5 | 1993-05 | ||
The Modernizing Imperative | The National Interest, No. 31, Spring | 1993 | ||
Neyasnost' Natsional'nogo Interessa (The Ambiguity of National Interest) | Nezavisimaya Gazeta (Moscow) | 1992-10-16 | ||
Comment on Ghia Nodia | Journal of Democracy, Vol. 3, no. 4 | 1992-10 | ||
The Beginning of Foreign Policy | The New Republic | 1992-08-17 | ||
Capitalism and Democracy: The Missing Link | Journal of Democracy, Vol. 3, no. 3 | 1992-07 | ||
Comment on Is America on the Way Down? | Commentary Magazine | 1992-05 | ||
Comment on Stankevich | The National Interest, No. 28 | 1992 | ||
Liberal Democracy as a Global Phenomenon | Political Science | 1991-12 | ||
Democratization and International Security | New Dimensions in International Security, Adelphi Paper No. 266 | London, International Institute for Strategic Studies | 1991? | |
The Next South Africa | The National Interest, No. 18, Summer | 1991 | ||
A Reply to My Critics | The National Interest, No. 16, Winter | 1989/90 | ||
The End of History? | The National Interest, Summer | 1989 | ||
Discord or Cooperation in the Third World? | Coping with Gorbachev's Soviet Union, CSIS Significant Issues Series, Vol. X, No. 9 | Washington, D.C., CSIS | 1988 | |
The Cycles of Soviet Third World Policy | Problems of Communism | 1987-09/10 | ||
The Political Character of the Overseas Empire | The Future of the Soviet Empire, in Henry Rowen and Charles Wolf, eds | New York: St. Martin's Press | 1987 | |
Soviet Military Power in the Middle East; or, Whatever Became of Power Projection? | The Soviet-American Competition in the Middle East, S. Spiegel, M. Heller, and J. Goldberg, eds. | Lexington,MA: Lexington Books | 1987 | |
Asia in a Global War | Comparative Strategy, Vol. 6, no.4 | 1987 | ||
Gorbachev and the Third World | Foreign Affairs, Vol. 64, no.4, Spring | 1986 | ||
Soviet Experience with Cooperative Forces | RAND N-2325-USDP (also in Developing Cooperative Forces in the Third World, Charles Wolf and Katherine Watkins, eds., publ. Lexington, MA, Lexington Books, 1986) |
1985-06 | ||
U.S.-Soviet Interactions in the Third World | RAND OPS-004 (also in U.S.-Soviet Relations: The Next Phase, in Arnold L. Horelick, ed, publ. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1986) |
1985-03 | ||
Military Aspects of the U.S.-Soviet Competition in the Third World | RAND P-7164 (also in East-West Tensions in the Third World, Marshall D. Shulman, ed. publ. Norton, 1986) |
1985 | ||
The Rise and Fall of the Marxist-Leninist Vanguard Party | Survey, Vol. 29, No. 2, Summer | 1985 | ||
Escalation in the Middle East and Persian Gulf | pay | RAND P-7021 (also Hawks, Doves, and Owls, Graham Allison, Albert Carnesale, and Joseph Nye, eds., publ. Norton 1985, ISBN: 0393303292) |
1984-09 | |
A Systematic Soviet Strategy for the Third World? | pay | RAND P-6965, February 1984 (also in The Red Orchestra, Dennis Bark ed., publ.Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, ISBN: 0-8179-8082-2) (also in The Soviet Union and the Third World: The Last Three Decades, Fukuyama ed., with Andrzej Korbonski, Chapter 2, publ.Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1987, ISBN: 0801420326 ) |
1984-02 | |
The New Marxist Leninist States and Internal Conflict in the Third World | free | RAND P-7020 (also Third World Marxist-Leninist Regimes: Strengths, Vulnerabilities, and U.S. Policy, Uri Ra'anan et. al. publ.:Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis Special Report,1985, ISBN: 0080331602 ) |
1984 | |
Pakistan Since the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan | U.S. Strategic Interests in Southwest Asia, Shirin
Tahir-Kheli, ed. ISBN: 0030620430 |
Praeger | 1982 | |
The Soviet Threat to the Persian Gulf | RAND Corporation P-6596 | 1981-03 | ||
The USSR and the Middle East with A.S. Becker |
Middle East Contemporary Survey, Vol. IV | 1981 | ||
The Security of Pakistan: A Trip Report | RAND Corporation N-1584-RC | 1980-09 | ||
The Future of the Soviet Role in Afghanistan: A Trip Report | RAND Corporation N-1579-RC | 1980-09 | ||
The Soviet Union and Iraq Since 1968 | RAND Corporation N-1524-AF | 1980-07 | ||
Nuclear Shadowboxing: Soviet Intervention Threats in the Middle East | free |
RAND Corporation N-1577-FF |
1980-06 | |
New Directions for Soviet Middle East Policy: Implications for the Atlantic Alliance | pay | RAND Corporation P-6443 (also in The Middle East and the Western Alliance, Steven L. Spieger ed., publ. Allen & Unwin 1982, ISBN: 0043270670) |
1980-02 | |
A New Soviet Strategy | pay | Commentary Magazine, October 1979 | 1979-10 | |
Egypt and Israel After Camp David with Steven J. Rosen |
Current History, January 1979 | 1979-01 |
Testimony on Human Cloning | 2001-06-20 |
We Have Reached the End of History | by Maxim Jean-Louis | Aurora Online | 2001 |
Rajan Menon, Soviet Power and the Third World | Political Science Quarterly | 1987 Summer |
Gregory Treverton, Covert Action | The New Republic | 1987-12-21 |
Joel Kotkin, Tribes | The New Republic | 1993-04-19 |
Mark Juergensmeyer, A New Cold War? Religious Nationalism Confronts the Secular State | The Journal of Democracy | 1993-10 |
Max Singer and Aaron Wildavsky, The Real World Order | Times Literary Supplement | 1993-11-30 |
Thomas Sowell, Race and Culture | The National Interest | 1994 Winter |
Michael Ignatieff, Blood and Belonging | New York Times Book Review | 1994-04-10 |
Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Civil Wars: From LA to Bosnia | New York Times Book Review | 1994-10-09 |
Ernest Gellner, Conditions of Liberty | Times Literary Supplement | 1994-10-28 |
Peter Huber, Orwell's Revenge: The 1984 Palimpsest | The Economist Book Review | 1995-02 |
Tony Smith, America's Mission | The New Republic | 1995-02-06 |
Peter Brimelow, Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster | National Review | 1995-05 |
Elie Kedourie, Hegel and Marx: Introductory Lectures | Times Literary Supplement | 1995-09-29 |
Charles Reich, Opposing the System | New York Times Book Review | 1995-11-26 |
Robert D. Kaplan, The Ends of the Earth | Commentary | 1996-04 |
Immanuel Wallerstein, After Liberalism; John Gray, Enlightenment’s Wake; Steven Kautz, Liberalism and Community | Times Literary Supplement | 1996-05-10 |
Roy Beck, The Case Against Immigration; Chilton Williamson, The Immigration Mystique | New York Times Book Review | 1996-09-01 |
Samuel P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order | The Wall Street Journal | 1996-11-07 |
Derek Bok, The State of the Nation: Government and the Quest for a Better Society | New York Times Book Review | 1997-02-02 |
William Greider, One World, Ready or Not: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism | The Weekly Standard | 1997-01-27 |
Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash and The Diamond Age | The Weekly Standard | 1997-04-21 |
Adam Seligman, The Problem of Trust | The Washington Times | 1997-10-19 |
James Nolan, The Therapeutic Society | The Public Interest | 1998 Summer |
James Chace, Acheson: The Secretary of State who Created the American World | New York Times Book Review | 1998-08-23 |
Charles Griswold, Adam Smith and the Virtues of Enlightenment | The Public Interest | 1999 Summer |
Daniel Bell, The Coming of Postindustrial Society, Special Anniversary Edition | The National Interest | 1999 Winter |
Danielle Crittenden, What Our Mothers Didn’t Tell Us | The Wall Street Journal | 1999-01-26 |
Deepak Lal, Unintended Consequences: The Impact of Factor Endowments, Culture, and Politics on Long-run Economic Performance | Times Literary Supplement | 1999-06-18 |
Thomas Friedman, The Lexus and the Olive Tree | The New Statesman | 1999-07-05 |
Susan Faludi, Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Man | The Wall Street Journal | 1999-09-24 |
Robert Wright, Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny | The Wilson Quarterly | 2000 Winter |
Stephanie Gutmann, The Kinder, Gentler Military | Commentary | 2000-02 |
Robert Putnam, Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community | The Washington Post | 2000-05-28 |
George Gilder, Telecosm | Commentary | 2000-10 |
Robert F. Byrnes, ed., After Brezhnev. | American Spectator | 1983? |
Andrew Cockburn, The Threat: Inside the Soviet Military Machine. | American Spectator | 1983? |
James Fallows, National Defense. | American Spectator | 1981? |
Curtis Cate, The Ides of August. | American Spectator | 1981? |
Nadav Safran, Israel: The Embattled Ally | American Spectator | 1981? |
Editorial commentaries published in newspapers and magazines
After Neoconservatism | pay | 2006-02-19 | The New York Times Magazine | |
A Year of Living Dangerously | reg | 2005-11-02 | The Wall Street Journal (Opinion Journal) | ![]() |
Asia's Democratic Values | reg | 2005-05-29 | The Wall Street Journal (Opinion Journal) | |
The Calvinist Manifesto | reg | 2005-03-13 | The New York Times | |
The Next Chapter | reg | 2004-04-24 | The Wall Street Journal (Opinion Journal) | |
Our Foreign Legions | reg | 2004-01-31 | The Wall Street Journal (Opinion Journal) | |
The Real Intelligence Failure | reg | 2003-08-05 | The Wall Street Journal (Opinion Journal) | |
Housekeeping, Post-Saddam | reg | 2003-04-20 | The Wall Street Journal (Opinion Journal) | |
Beyond Our Shores | reg | 2002-12-24 | The Wall Street Journal (Opinion Journal) | |
Can Any Good Come Of Radical Islam? | reg | 2002-09-12 | The Wall Street Journal (Opinion Journal) | |
The Fall of the Libertarians | reg | 2002-05-02 | The Wall Street Journal (Opinion Journal) | |
History Is Still Going Our Way | reg | 2001-10-05 | The Wall Street Journal (Opinion Journal) | |
No Dupes | reg | 2001-08-05 | The Wall Street Journal (Opinion Journal) | |
President Paradox | reg | 2001-01-18 | The Wall Street Journal (Opinion Journal) | |
What Divides America | reg | 2000-11-15 | The Wall Street Journal (Opinion Journal) | |
Now Let's Catch the Real Spy | reg | 2000-09-23 | The Wall Street Journal (Opinion Journal) | |
Regular op-ed writer for the Wall Street Journal |
various other op-ed pieces in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, New York Newsday, Guardian (UK), Telegraph (UK), Financial Times (UK), Times (UK), Le Point (France), Le Monde (France), Le Figaro (France), Mondo Economico (Italy), La Stampa (Italy), Il Sole 24 Ore (Italy), La Repubblica (Italy), Yomiuri Shimbun (Japan), Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany), Die Zeit (Germany), Suddeutsche Zeitung (Germany), Australian Financial Review (Australia), El Pais (Spain), El Mundo (Spain), Mainichi Shimbun (Japan), Sankei Shimbun (Japan), Global Business (Japan), NRC Handelsblad (Netherlands) De Groene Amsterdamer (Netherlands), Chosun Ilbo (Korea), Kyung Hyang Daily News (Korea) and Joong An Daily News (Korea). |
Islam, Democracy & Assimilation | 2005-11-02 | Andrew C. McCarthy | National Review | The Calvinist Manifesto | 2005-03-13 |
Francis Fukuyama: The Protestant Ethic in an age of Islamic Terrorism | 2005-03-13 | Amardeep Singh | The Calvinist Manifesto | 2005-03-13 | |
Fukuyama on Trust and Recognition | 2003-05 | Andy Blunden | The End of History and the Last Man | 1992 | |
Francis Fukuyama & the end of history | 1992-02 | Roger Kimball | The New Criterion Vol.10, No.6 | The End of History and the Last Man | 1992 |